Something great but unexpected happened to me last week. I went with my Canadian friend to a woman expo called 'me am chic' in 'Ta'Qali'. Besides nails, nails and nails there were several things like fashion-shows, stiletto races, hairdressing and skin consults of Dermalogica.We really enjoyed being there and we were about to leave until I felt this strong attraction to the left. I convinced my friend to wait for me. Just for a little..
And there he was. My love. Waiting for me, right there in that corner. The chemistry between us was so strong, it wasn't just the way he looked. I had nothing to lose so I gave it a try. He touched me, exactly on the right spots. As if he knew me for years already, so reliable. The way he moved and gave me this warm feeling inside. It was amazing, he made me feel being in heaven, walking on clouds.
He turned me on big time that was a fact. There was no way back, I was sold. Every now and then -when I feel like it- we meet. He never refuses. We have our little moments; just for 15 minutes. That's all he needs to satisfy me. He is the best. You know what? I'll introduce him. Just because you're worth it.
Sorry DengDeng my Thai friend I cheated on you,
See me: Playing him here
See me: Breaking up here
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